Monday, September 17, 2007

Autumn 2007 Presentation Schedule

If you go to my site, you will notice that I have not yet posted the performance dates/details for this fall. The reality is, I don't know the schedule yet and hope to meet this week with Sarah Miller, my booking agent. to find out. She tells me I have some great gigs set up at universities around the country including UMASS and Ramapo College. I know I will also be in Colorado in early Novemeber. Working on another trip to Portland, OR too, and possibly a trip to Sweden in December.

Once I know the schedule, I will let you know.

As far as I know, I have NOTHING planned for Texas. (Texans moan the loudest that I never come to their state, but have yet to give me any contacts. So before you start your Texas moaning, get on the horn and rustle me up some contacts :-)

Still recovering from my throat virus thingy, but I HAD to get out of the house. I dragged myself to the newly renovated downtown library and got some more DVDs (more Dr. Who, Absolutely Fabulous and the movie Garden State). If I have to be stuck at home, might as well be there with David Tennant, Zach Braff, and Edina & Patsy!)

Oh, I also just read a Church Time's review about my Greenbelt appearance. Made me smile.

Peterson Toscano was one of Greenbelt’s runaway successes, so much in demand that the organisers managed to find two extra slots for him after word got round and the queues got longer. He did two shows: one, the hilarious “Doin’ time in the homo halfway house — How I survived the ex-gay movement”. During a question-and-answer session, he declared: “The Church is going to have to deal with gays: they come not from without but from within — your sister, your pastor, your wife.” The other act, “The Re-education of George W. Bush”, was a wicked satire told in the character of Marvin Bloom, a “Jew for Jesus” from New York, who loves his praise-and-worship step-aerobic class.

Toscano worked through various personae, among them “the Revd Dr Meadows”, preaching on Sodom and Gomorrah, “God in smiting mood”. But the most endearing thing about the show was Toscano speaking in his own person: very likeable, very disarming, and so very, very funny.



At 2:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wooooohooooooooooo - that's a pretty fabulous review Peterson *hugs*

So, does that mean you will be back for Greenbelt next year? I have space in my tent you know!

At 2:59 PM , Blogger Alex Resare said...

I would like to erase a possibly in this post. Of course you will come in december. Light is for wimps, you croakers have your inner light and are in no need of the outer space lighty thingy...

At 5:23 PM , Blogger Freedom Bound said...

...and this review is so very, very true.

At 2:52 PM , Blogger Vincent Cervantes said...

snaps for Peterson!
let me know if you are coming to California, i am always in the mood to travel!

At 5:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Stuff!

At 2:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

High praise from the church times :)

I concur.


At 3:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now Peterson, if I had contacts I would give them to you and have you down here to regale us with your wit and sagacity. But alas, I am an middle-aged closeted gay man trying to weather my own transition into sanity in less than ideal conditions. I can't even imagine where to start connecting to people who would know people who know people who could set up a gig for you down here in this Bible belt insane asylum. So my prior 'nudges' were merely grandly wishful thinking from someone lost in the proverbial wilderness, unlike right now where I'm actually doing a reasonably good job of moaning and complaining.


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